Learned Societies and Other NGO's of Lithuanian Scientists | Lietuvos mokslininkų sąjunga

Learned Societies and Other NGO's of Lithuanian Scientists

LSS Department Planters Association

Main directions of activities carried out by members of the Department:

  • financial and organisational aid to small farmers / Association members;
  • changing over to non-traditional agriculture;
  • planning and arrangement of new plantations;
  • introduction of new biotechnologies, marketing, and cooperation of plantation owners.

Members: 40 members (3 Profs., Habil.Drs., 9 Habil.drs., 2 Assoc.Prof.,Drs., 26 - Drs)
Chair person - dr. Jurijus Dorošenko
Contact person - Romualdas Šarinskis


Verkiu str. 57
LT-08406 Vilnius Lithuania
Telephone: 370 5 697055
Fax: 370 5 751210
Email: lms@ktl.mii.lt